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3 Steps to Install a DIY Resin Bound Gravel Driveway, Path or Patio

Resin Bound Surfacing has become more and more popular over the last few years, in both commercial and residential applications.

SUDwell™ have been at the forefront of both supply and installation of resin bonded and resin bound surfacing products for over 15 years, and to meet customer demand, sell a range of DIY decorative stone and resin DIY kits for your resin driveway installation, resin bound path or patio. Below you will find instructions on how to successfully install your DIY resin Bound kits from SUDwell™.


1, Preparing the base.

For your Resin Driveway, Path or Patio, first make sure the concrete or tarmac base is strong enough for its desired use. Ensure that the area is dry and free from dust and weeds, Sweeping the area is essential before you start laying your SUDwell™ resin bound surface. For new or old concrete we would recommend priming the surface first with Primer.
Note: Once mixed the resin bound kits will start to cure in around 10-15 minutes so it is essential the the area is prepared before mixing. Also see these top tips to achieving a good finish.

To help you apply the correct amount of resin bound gravel to the area, it is recommended that you mark out a grid of 1m² (0.8m² at 18mm for a driveway) using chalk or marker paint.



Marked out area


Note: Ensure you have a drill and paddle that is powerful and has the capability of mixing mortar mixes. A small household drill will not suffice and may burn out during mixing. For large areas you may wish to purchase or hire a forced action mixer.



AutumnQuartzKit 500x500 GoldenQuartzKit 500x500 PearlQuartzKit 500x500
SUDwell™ Autumn Quartz Kit


SUDwell™ Golden Quartz Kit


SUDwell™ Pearl Quartz Kit



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2, Mixing The Resin Bound Gravel. 

Pour around 1/3 of you chosen stone aggregate from your kit into a normal clean and dry bucket. Then tip the remaining aggregate into your mixing tub and create a shallow well in the centre of the aggregate (about the size of a pudding bowl).

Pour your A and B resin into a separate bucket and mix thoroughly with a drill and paddle. Mix for a couple of minutes until the resin becomes uniform in colour.


Mixing the resin

Tip your combined resin into the well you created in the mixing tub, and add the stone you removed earlier back on top of the resin and stone.

Mix the stone and resin together for a couple of minutes, ensuring that all the stone in the mixing tub is coated with resin and has a wet appearance.


Mixing the stone



SilverKit 500x500 Golden Pea Kit 500x500 White Kit 500x500
SUDwell™ Silver Kit


SUDwell™ Golden Pea Kit


SUDwell™ White Kit


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3, Laying your resin bound surface.

Tip your mix over the area to be covered making sure there is no dry stone in the mix. If there is a significant amount of dry stone, shovel it back into the mixing tub and mix again. If there is a small amount of dry stone you can mix it into the poured stone ensuring that it becomes coated and wet looking.


Evenly distribute

Level out your resin bound mixture over the desired area using a squeegee or shovel. Then float out the material using a plasterers float, this may take around 5 or 6 passes until you are happy with your finish. 


Float out
Note: you only have 10-15 minutes (30 minutes with SUDwell™ All Weather Resin) before the resin starts to cure so speed is of the essence (especially during warmer periods).

Tip: Lightly spraying your float with water every 30-40 seconds will aid you in the floating process. You can use a household cleaning spray bottle, but it must be thoroughly rinsed out several times so it is free from contamination.


Repeat the above process until your project is finished.



Resin Driveway Kit BulkSq 500x500 Silver Terracotta Paving Slab
SUDwell™ Resin Driveway Kit


Trade Resin Bound Starter Pack


SUDwell™ Permeable Patio
Paving Slabs Silver Terracotta



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Download and print instructions on how to install "Individual Kits" and "Bulk-Buy"

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Individual Kit
Installation Guide
Installation Guide

See our video guides on how to install SUDwell Resin Bound Gravel Kits




Leeson Polyurethanes







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