Anti-Skid Surfacing Specification
High Friction Surfacing must comply with Specification for Highway Works (SHW) Clause 924 which requires such systems to be BBA HAPAS certificated. Successful certification under the BBA HAPAS scheme involves meeting demanding performance criteria which are given in each system’s certificate and meeting stringent Quality Assurance and Quality Control requirements on an ongoing basis.
The three key paragraphs are repeated as follows:
1 High friction surfacing systems shall have current British Board of Agrément HAPAS Roads and Bridges Certificates.
2 A high friction surfacing system with a current British Board of Agrément HAPAS Roads and Bridges Certificate shall only be installed by a Contractor approved by the BBA and the Certificate Holder as an Approved Installer for that system.
3 The installation and quality control procedures shall be in accordance with the British Board of Agrément Roads and Bridges Certificate for each system and the current
method statement agreed by the BBA. The results of all quality control checks carried out on site by the Contractor and quality assurance information compiled in accordance with the requirements of the Certificate, including results from BBA surveillance visits, shall be made available to the Overseeing Organisation on request.
Clause 924 is an End Performance Specification. This transfers the responsibility for the design of the high friction system to the selected installer who is responsible for the execution of the surface treatment and generally guarantees the treatment for a specified period of time. Clause 924 provides a limited guarantee of a minimum of 2 years, subject to the following rider: